Monday, February 27, 2006

Jan 28 29

Kanpara is captal of Uganda.
There are one world horitage in there.
This is Casbi dom what old kings house.
But i couldnt understand, why this is
world goritage cause im not fun.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Jan 27 28

I visited Jinja cause there is source of Nile in there.
Nile river has 4300 km long, it is longgest river.
Nile river is started from Jinja then after 3months
go to Egypt.(Chichu-kai)

Jan 25 26
Malindi , Watam

Malindi and Watam has very beautiful beach.
I swam in Watam but i couldnt dive in there
so im gonna came back then when im gonna dive.

Jan 23 24

Rum town is world holitage town.
There are so many old houses in there.
I walk aroud this town when i thought
it is like a Sento Chihirono Kamikakushi.
(it is Japanese movie)
Then Rum town was made in 1300 to 1600
so when i was in 1300.
It is amazing for me.

Jan 21 22
Masai Mara

I visited Masai Mara national park for safari.
I saw lot of animal in there. I saw lion, elephant,
zibla, zilaf, bufferrow, inpara, gazel, cheeter and more.
I spent very nice time.

Jan 19 to 21

Nairobi is biggest city in east africa.
But Nairobi is not safety city so i needed
be careful. I stayed 3 days in there cause
i needed to get visa and i need take a break.
I spent lot of energy for though Ethiopia to Kenya.
Cause they dont have public trafic. So i went to
Kenya by track. I spent 17hours on top of the track.
Then this track didnt have roof , they have jsut pipe
and road is ver bad so i got some pain.
But star is beautiful cause nobody in this area.
It is just Savanna.

Jan 15 , 16
Conso , Yabelo

Conso and Yabelo are small town so nothing to see.
But i had to visit there for go to Kenya.
I met many naice people in these town cause
small town people are always good for tourist.
I drank some liqur and i ate chat.
I was relax in town.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Jan 13 to 14

I visited Jinka for Sturday market
Cause some small group come to market.
They are very strange culyure.
Murusi is most famous one.

Jan 11 to 12
Adis Ababa

Adis Ababa is capital of Ethiopia.
I visited some charch and I bought bus ticket.
I didn’t have enough time in Adis Ababa
Cause I have to go Jinka on sturday.